Source code for sauceclient

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Sauce Labs REST API client

   Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Corey Goldberg

   This file is part of: sauceclient

   License: Apache Version 2.0

   Sauce Labs REST API documentation:

import base64
import hmac
import json
import os
from hashlib import md5

    import http.client as http_client
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    import httplib as http_client
    from urllib import urlencode

__version__ = '1.0.1'

[docs]class SauceException(Exception): """SauceClient exception.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize class.""" super(SauceException, self).__init__(*args) self.response = kwargs.get('response')
[docs]class SauceClient(object): """SauceClient class.""" def __init__(self, sauce_username=None, sauce_access_key=None, apibase=None): """Initialize class.""" self.sauce_username = sauce_username self.sauce_access_key = sauce_access_key self.apibase = apibase or '' self.headers = self.make_headers() self.account = Account(self) self.information = Information(self) self.javascript = JavaScriptTests(self) = Jobs(self) = Storage(self) self.tunnels = Tunnels(self) = Analytics(self)
[docs] def get_auth_string(self): """Create auth string from credentials.""" auth_info = '{}:{}'.format(self.sauce_username, self.sauce_access_key) return base64.b64encode(auth_info.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
[docs] def make_headers(self, content_type='application/json'): """Create content-type header.""" return { 'Content-Type': content_type, }
[docs] def make_auth_headers(self, content_type): """Add authorization header.""" headers = self.make_headers(content_type) headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic {}'.format(self.get_auth_string()) return headers
[docs] def request(self, method, url, body=None, content_type='application/json'): """Send http request.""" headers = self.make_auth_headers(content_type) connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(self.apibase) connection.request(method, url, body, headers=headers) response = connection.getresponse() data = connection.close() if response.status not in [200, 201]: raise SauceException('{}: {}.\nSauce Status NOT OK'.format( response.status, response.reason), response=response) return json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
[docs]class Account(object): """Account Methods These methods provide user account information and management. - """ def __init__(self, client): """Initialize class.""" self.client = client
[docs] def get_user(self): """Access basic account information.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def create_user(self, username, password, name, email): """Create a sub account.""" method = 'POST' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username) body = json.dumps({'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'email': email, }) return self.client.request(method, endpoint, body)
[docs] def get_concurrency(self): """Check account concurrency limits.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1.1/users/{}/concurrency'.format( self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_subaccounts(self): """Get a list of sub accounts associated with a parent account.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}/list-subaccounts'.format( self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_siblings(self): """Get a list of sibling accounts associated with provided account.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1.1/users/{}/siblings'.format( self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_subaccount_info(self): """Get information about a sub account.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}/subaccounts'.format( self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def change_access_key(self): """Change access key of your account.""" method = 'POST' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}/accesskey/change'.format( self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_activity(self): """Check account concurrency limits.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/activity'.format(self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_usage(self, start=None, end=None): """Access historical account usage data.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/users/{}/usage'.format(self.client.sauce_username) data = {} if start: data['start'] = start if end: data['end'] = end if data: endpoint = '?'.join([endpoint, urlencode(data)]) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs]class Analytics(object): """Analytics Methods These methods provide user account information and management. - """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def get_tests(self, start=None, end=None, size=None, time_range=None, scope=None, owner=None, status=None, pretty=False, error=None, build=None, skip=None,missing_build=False): method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/analytics/tests' data = {} if time_range: data['time_range'] = time_range if start: data['start'] = start if end: data['end'] = end if size: data['size'] = size if scope: data['scope'] = scope if owner: data['owner'] = owner if status: data['status'] = status if pretty: data['pretty'] = '' if error: data['error'] = error if build: data['build'] = build #from is a reserved keyword, using skip instead if skip: data['from'] = skip if missing_build: data['missing_build'] = '' endpoint = '?'.join([endpoint, urlencode(data)]) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_concurrency(self, start=None, end=None, interval=None, time_range=None, scope=None, owner=None, status=None, pretty=False): method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/analytics/insights/concurrency' data={} if time_range: data['time_range'] = time_range if start: data['start'] = start if end: data['end'] = end if interval: data['interval'] = interval if scope: data['scope'] = scope if owner: data['owner'] = owner if status: data['status'] = status if pretty: data['pretty'] = '' endpoint = '?'.join([endpoint, urlencode(data)]) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs]class Information(object): """Information Methods Information resources are publicly available data about Sauce Lab's service. - """ def __init__(self, client): """Initialize class.""" self.client = client
[docs] def get_status(self): """Get the current status of Sauce Labs services.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/info/status' return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_platforms(self, automation_api='all'): """Get a list of objects describing all the OS and browser platforms currently supported on Sauce Labs.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/info/platforms/{}'.format(automation_api) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_appium_eol_dates(self): """Get a list of Appium end-of-life dates. Dates are displayed in Unix time.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/info/platforms/appium/eol' return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs]class JavaScriptTests(object): """JavaScript Unit Testing Methods - """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def js_tests(self, platforms, url, framework): """Start your JavaScript unit tests on as many browsers as you like with a single request.""" method = 'POST' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/js-tests'.format(self.client.sauce_username) body = json.dumps({'platforms': platforms, 'url': url, 'framework': framework, }) return self.client.request(method, endpoint, body)
[docs] def js_tests_status(self, js_tests): """Get the status of your JS unit tests.""" method = 'POST' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/js-tests/status'.format( self.client.sauce_username) body = json.dumps({ 'js tests': js_tests, }) return self.client.request(method, endpoint, body)
[docs]class Jobs(object): """Job Methods - """ def __init__(self, client): """Initialize class.""" self.client = client
[docs] def get_jobs(self, full=None, limit=None, skip=None, start=None, end=None, output_format=None): """List jobs belonging to a specific user.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs'.format(self.client.sauce_username) data = {} if full is not None: data['full'] = full if limit is not None: data['limit'] = limit if skip is not None: data['skip'] = skip if start is not None: data['from'] = start if end is not None: data['to'] = end if output_format is not None: data['format'] = output_format if data: endpoint = '?'.join([endpoint, urlencode(data)]) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_job(self, job_id): """Retreive a single job.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username, job_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def update_job(self, job_id, build=None, custom_data=None, name=None, passed=None, public=None, tags=None): """Edit an existing job.""" method = 'PUT' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username, job_id) data = {} if build is not None: data['build'] = build if custom_data is not None: data['custom-data'] = custom_data if name is not None: data['name'] = name if passed is not None: data['passed'] = passed if public is not None: data['public'] = public if tags is not None: data['tags'] = tags body = json.dumps(data) return self.client.request(method, endpoint, body=body)
[docs] def delete_job(self, job_id): """Removes the job from the system with all the linked assets.""" method = 'DELETE' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username, job_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def stop_job(self, job_id): """Terminates a running job.""" method = 'PUT' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}/stop'.format( self.client.sauce_username, job_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_job_assets(self, job_id): """Get details about the static assets collected for a specific job.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}/assets'.format( self.client.sauce_username, job_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_job_asset_url(self, job_id, filename): """Get details about the static assets collected for a specific job.""" return '{}/jobs/{}/assets/{}'.format( self.client.sauce_username, job_id, filename)
[docs] def delete_job_assets(self, job_id): """Delete all the assets captured during a test run.""" method = 'DELETE' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}/assets'.format( self.client.sauce_username, job_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_auth_token(self, job_id, date_range=None): """Get an auth token to access protected job resources. """ key = '{}:{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username, self.client.sauce_access_key) if date_range: key = '{}:{}'.format(key, date_range) return'utf-8'), job_id.encode('utf-8'), md5).hexdigest()
[docs]class Storage(object): """Temporary Storage Methods - """ def __init__(self, client): """Initialize class.""" self.client = client
[docs] def upload_file(self, filepath, overwrite=True): """Uploads a file to the temporary sauce storage.""" method = 'POST' filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1] endpoint = '/rest/v1/storage/{}/{}?overwrite={}'.format( self.client.sauce_username, filename, "true" if overwrite else "false") with open(filepath, 'rb') as filehandle: body = return self.client.request(method, endpoint, body, content_type='application/octet-stream')
[docs] def get_stored_files(self): """Check which files are in your temporary storage.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/storage/{}'.format(self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs]class Tunnels(object): """Tunnel Methods - """ def __init__(self, client): """Initialize class.""" self.client = client
[docs] def get_tunnels(self): """Retrieves all running tunnels for a specific user.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/tunnels'.format(self.client.sauce_username) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def get_tunnel(self, tunnel_id): """Get information for a tunnel given its ID.""" method = 'GET' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/tunnels/{}'.format( self.client.sauce_username, tunnel_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)
[docs] def delete_tunnel(self, tunnel_id): """Get information for a tunnel given its ID.""" method = 'DELETE' endpoint = '/rest/v1/{}/tunnels/{}'.format( self.client.sauce_username, tunnel_id) return self.client.request(method, endpoint)